General conditions

General terms and conditions Villavakantiepark IJsselhof

Recreational use

The accommodation you have chosen may only be used for recreational purposes. Uses that conflict with recreational purposes include the following situations:

  • Use for (temporary) housing due to lack of an official residential address elsewhere.
  • Use for (temporary) housing in connection with work-related situations.
  • Use with commercial intentions, regardless of its form.
  • Any other use in violation of local laws and regulations.

If the agreement with Villavakantiepark IJsselhof is violated by use of the accommodation that is not in line with the established recreational purposes, Villavakantiepark IJsselhof reserves the right to terminate the agreement immediately. There is then no obligation for Villavakantiepark IJsselhof to provide any form of compensation. This termination can occur both before and after your arrival at the park. In the event of termination, the obligation remains to pay the full reservation amount. You are not eligible for compensation of any (additional) travel or accommodation costs.

If Villavakantiepark IJsselhof decides to terminate the agreement due to non-recreational use fourteen days or less before the scheduled arrival date, you will owe Villavakantiepark IJsselhof fifty percent (50%) of the total reservation amount. If the termination occurs while you are staying in the accommodation, you must leave it immediately. You must then immediately leave both the accommodation and Villavakantiepark IJsselhof. You are not entitled to restitution of (part of) the paid reservation sum, nor are you eligible for any reimbursement of (extra) travel or accommodation costs.

If you disagree with any rental termination, you have the option of taking your case to the Recreation Dispute Commission. For more information on the procedure and conditions, please visit the website of the Dispute Commission, found via the following link:

Exceptions to the above conditions can only be made in consultation with park management. Please contact Villavakantiepark IJsselhof to discuss specific situations where the use of the accommodation deviates from the recreational purposes. The park management will assess the situation and give written approval if an exception is possible.

The general terms and conditions of Villavakantiepark IJsselhof can be downloaded via the link below.

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